Vascular Plants

APC: Gyrostemonaceae
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APC (version 51209306) published 14/3/17 by import
APC Dist.
WA, NT, SA, Qld, NSW, Vic, Tas
Plantae / Charophyta / Equisetopsida / Magnoliidae / Rosanae / Brassicales
27 sub taxa
Codonocarpus Endl., legitimate George, A.S. in George, A.S. (ed.) (1982), Gyrostemonaceae. Flora of Australia 8 Gyrostemon sect. Codonocarpus (Endl.) Heimerl, legitimate (April 1889) nomenclatural synonymGyrostemon subg. Hymenotheca F.Muell., legitimate (1853) taxonomic synonymHymenotheca (F.Muell.) F.Muell., legitimate (December 1859) taxonomic synonym
Codonocarpus attenuatus (Hook.) H.Walter, legitimate George, A.S. in George, A.S. (ed.) (1982), Gyrostemonaceae. Flora of Australia 8 Gyrostemon attenuatus Hook., legitimate (1830) nomenclatural synonymCodonocarpus australis Moq., nom. illeg., nom. superfl. (1849) nomenclatural synonym
Codonocarpus cotinifolius (Desf.) F.Muell., legitimate Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2006), Australian Plant Census Codonocarpus cotonifolius S.W.L.Jacobs & J.Pickard, orth. var. (1981) orthographic variantGyrostemon cotinifolius Desf., legitimate (1822) nomenclatural synonymHymenotheca cotinifolia (Desf.) F.Muell., legitimate (1861) nomenclatural synonymGyrostemon pungens Lindl., legitimate (1838) taxonomic synonymGyrostemon acaciiformis F.Muell., legitimate (1853) taxonomic synonymHymenotheca acaciiformis (F.Muell.) F.Muell., nom. illeg. (December 1859) taxonomic synonymHymenotheca acaciformis F.Muell., orth. var. (February 1862) taxonomic synonym
Codonocarpus pyramidalis (F.Muell.) F.Muell., legitimate George, A.S. in George, A.S. (ed.) (1982), Gyrostemonaceae. Flora of Australia 8 Gyrostemon pyramidalis F.Muell., legitimate (1853) nomenclatural synonymHymenotheca pyramidalis (F.Muell.) F.Muell., legitimate (December 1859) nomenclatural synonym
Cypselocarpus haloragoides (F.Muell. ex Benth.) F.Muell., legitimate George, A.S. in George, A.S. (ed.) (1982), Gyrostemonaceae. Flora of Australia 8 Threlkeldia haloragoides F.Muell. ex Benth., legitimate (1870) nomenclatural synonymTersonia subvolubilis Benth., legitimate (1870) taxonomic synonym
Gyrostemon Desf., legitimate George, A.S. in George, A.S. (ed.) (1982), Gyrostemonaceae. Flora of Australia 8 Didymotheca Hook.f., legitimate (1847) taxonomic synonymCyclotheca Moq., legitimate (1849) taxonomic synonym
Gyrostemon australasicus (Moq.) Heimerl, legitimate George, A.S. in George, A.S. (ed.) (1982), Gyrostemonaceae. Flora of Australia 8 Cyclotheca australasica Moq., legitimate (1849) nomenclatural synonymDidymotheca pleiococca F.Muell., nom. illeg. (December 1859) taxonomic synonymGyrostemon cyclotheca Benth., nom. illeg. (1870) taxonomic synonym
Gyrostemon ditrigynus A.S.George, legitimate George, A.S. in George, A.S. (ed.) (1982), Appendix: Gyrostemonaceae. Flora of Australia 8 Didymotheca thesioides var. stricta Diels, legitimate (6 December 1904) replaced synonymDidymotheca stricta (Diels) H.Walter, legitimate (1 June 1909) nomenclatural synonym
Gyrostemon racemiger H.Walter, legitimate Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2006), Australian Plant Census Gyrostemon racemigerus H.Walter, orth. var. (1 June 1909) orthographic variantGyrostemon ramulosus var. strictus Diels, legitimate (6 December 1904) nomenclatural synonymGyrostemon strictus (Diels) Heimerl, nom. illeg., nom. superfl. (1934) nomenclatural synonym
Gyrostemon ramulosus Desf., legitimate Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2006), Australian Plant Census Gyrostemon ramulosum Desf., orth. var. (1820) orthographic variantGyrostemon ramulosus Desf. var. ramulosus, legitimate (6 December 1904) nomenclatural synonym
Gyrostemon sheathii W.Fitzg., legitimate Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2006), Australian Plant Census Gyrostemon oligogynus Diels & E.Pritz., nom. inval. (6 December 1904) taxonomic synonymGyrostemon ramulosus var. robustus Diels, legitimate (6 December 1904) taxonomic synonymGyrostemon spinosostipulatus H.Walter, legitimate (1 June 1909) taxonomic synonymGyrostemon robustus (Diels) Heimerl, nom. illeg., nom. superfl. (1934) taxonomic synonym
Gyrostemon subnudus (Nees) Baill., legitimate George, A.S. in George, A.S. (ed.) (1982), Gyrostemonaceae. Flora of Australia 8 Amperea subnuda Nees, legitimate (1848) nomenclatural synonymGyrostemon brachystigma Benth., legitimate (1870) taxonomic synonymGyrostemon vimineus W.Fitzg., legitimate (1904) taxonomic synonym
Gyrostemon thesioides (Hook.f.) A.S.George, legitimate Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2006), Australian Plant Census Didymotheca thesioides Hook.f., legitimate (1847) nomenclatural synonymDidymotheca thesioides Hook.f. var. thesioides, legitimate (6 December 1904) nomenclatural synonymDidymotheca drummondii Moq., legitimate (1849) taxonomic synonymDidymotheca veroniciformis F.Muell., legitimate (1853) taxonomic synonymDidymotheca dielsii H.Walter, legitimate (1 June 1909) taxonomic synonym
Tersonia cyathiflora (Fenzl) A.S.George ex J.W.Green, legitimate Green, J.W. (1985), Census of the Vascular Plants of Western Australia Edn. 2 Haloragis cyathiflora Fenzl, legitimate (April 1837) basionymTersonia brevipes Moq., legitimate (1849) taxonomic synonym

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