
ABRSL: Arthoniomycetes
A tree element is an element of a classification tree structure (also known as a Node). The element holds the position of a Taxon Concept in an arrangement of taxon that we refer to generically as a tree.
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(old) current version.

ABRSL (version 30237824) published 1/2/19 by rlawrence
APC Comment
P.McCarthy (2016) uses this taxon concept.
Fungi / Ascomycota / Pezizomycotina
297 sub taxa
Arthonia banksiae Müll.Arg., legitimate P.McCarthy (Comp.) (2016), Checklist of the Lichens of Australia and its Island Territories Asperoporum rimale Müll.Arg., legitimate (1895) taxonomic synonymMycoporellum microspermum Müll.Arg., legitimate (1895) taxonomic synonym
Arthonia cinnabarina (DC.) Wallr. var. cinnabarina, legitimate P.McCarthy (Comp.) (2016), Checklist of the Lichens of Australia and its Island Territories Arthonia tumidula (Ach.) Ach., legitimate (1806) taxonomic synonymArthonia gregaria (Weig.) Körb., nom. illeg. (1855) taxonomic synonym
Arthonia ilicina Taylor, legitimate P.McCarthy (Comp.) (2016), Checklist of the Lichens of Australia and its Island Territories Arthothelium ilicinum (Taylor) P.James, legitimate (1965) nomenclatural synonymArthonia multiformis Shirley, legitimate (1894) taxonomic synonym
Arthonia radiata (Pers.) Ach., legitimate P.McCarthy (Comp.) (2016), Checklist of the Lichens of Australia and its Island Territories Arthonia vulgaris Schaer., legitimate (1823) taxonomic synonymArthonia epipastoides Nyl., legitimate (1873) taxonomic synonym
Arthothelium huegelii (Nyl.) Zahlbr., legitimate P.McCarthy (Comp.) (2016), Checklist of the Lichens of Australia and its Island Territories Arthonia huegelii Nyl., legitimate (1867) nomenclatural synonymLecidea huegelii (Nyl.) Kremp., legitimate (1868) nomenclatural synonym
Crypthonia mycelioides (Vain.) Frisch & G.Thor, legitimate P.McCarthy (Comp.) (2016), Checklist of the Lichens of Australia and its Island Territories Chiodecton mycelioides Vain., legitimate (1921) nomenclatural synonymHerpothallon mycelioides (Vain.) Aptroot, Lücking & G.Thor, legitimate (2009) nomenclatural synonym
Chrysothrix candelaris (L.) J.R.Laundon, legitimate P.McCarthy (Comp.) (2016), Checklist of the Lichens of Australia and its Island Territories Lepraria candelaris (L.) Fr., legitimate (1824) nomenclatural synonymLepraria flava (Schreb.) Ach., legitimate (1798) taxonomic synonymLepraria citrina (Schaer.) Schaer., legitimate (1833) taxonomic synonym
Chiodecton colensoi (A.Massal.) Müll.Arg., legitimate P.McCarthy (Comp.) (2016), Checklist of the Lichens of Australia and its Island Territories Chiodecton perplexum Nyl., legitimate (1863) taxonomic synonymChiodecton neohollandicum Nyl., legitimate (1868) taxonomic synonymChiodecton hypoleucum C.Knight, legitimate (1886) taxonomic synonymChiodecton ochraceofuscescens C.Knight, legitimate (1886) taxonomic synonymEnterographa trypethelioides Müll.Arg., legitimate (1887) taxonomic synonymChiodecton grossum Müll.Arg., legitimate (1893) taxonomic synonymChiodecton subdepressum Müll.Arg., legitimate (1893) taxonomic synonymChiodecton velatum Müll.Arg., legitimate (1893) taxonomic synonymChiodecton virens Müll.Arg., legitimate (1893) taxonomic synonymChiodecton trypethelioides (Müll.Arg.) Zahlbr., legitimate (1923) taxonomic synonym
Cresponea plurilocularis (Nyl.) Egea & Torrente, legitimate P.McCarthy (Comp.) (2018), Checklist of the Lichens of Australia and its Island Territories Lecidea premnea var. plurilocularis Nyl., legitimate (1861) nomenclatural synonymLecanactis quassiae var. plurilocularis (Nyl.) Zahlbr., legitimate (1923) nomenclatural synonymLecidea inalbescens Stirt., legitimate (1881) taxonomic synonymOpegrapha plurilocularis var. obfuscata Müll.Arg., legitimate (1882) taxonomic synonymOpegrapha inalbescens (Stirt.) Müll.Arg., legitimate (1891) taxonomic synonymLecanactis quassiae var. obfuscata (Müll.Arg.) Zahlbr., legitimate (1923) taxonomic synonymLecanactis subpremnea Kantvilas & Vězda, legitimate (1992) taxonomic synonym
Dichosporidium boschianum (Mont.) G.Thor, legitimate P.McCarthy (Comp.) (2016), Checklist of the Lichens of Australia and its Island Territories Chiodecton boschianum Mont., legitimate (1856) nomenclatural synonymChiodecton hamatum Nyl., legitimate (1861) taxonomic synonym
Enterodictyon velatum (C.Knight) Zahlbr., legitimate P.McCarthy (Comp.) (2016), Checklist of the Lichens of Australia and its Island Territories Stigmatidium velatum C.Knight, legitimate (1882) nomenclatural synonymGraphis develatula Nyl., legitimate (1886) taxonomic synonymEnterodictyon knightii Müll.Arg., legitimate (1895) taxonomic synonym
Lecanographa microcarpella (Müll.Arg.) Egea & Torrente, legitimate P.McCarthy (Comp.) (2016), Checklist of the Lichens of Australia and its Island Territories Opegrapha microcarpella Müll.Arg., legitimate (1895) nomenclatural synonymLecanactis microcarpella (Müll.Arg.) Zahlbr., legitimate (1923) nomenclatural synonym
Opegrapha astraea Tuck., legitimate P.McCarthy (Comp.) (2016), Checklist of the Lichens of Australia and its Island Territories Melanographa leucina Müll.Arg., legitimate (1882) pro parte taxonomic synonymMelaspilea leucina (Müll.Arg.) Müll.Arg., legitimate (1887) taxonomic synonymOpegrapha leucina (Müll.Arg.) Shirley, legitimate (1889) taxonomic synonymOpegrapha interveniens Müll.Arg., legitimate (1891) taxonomic synonym
Opegrapha atra Pers., legitimate P.McCarthy (Comp.) (2016), Checklist of the Lichens of Australia and its Island Territories Opegrapha atra var. denigrata (Ach.) Schaer., legitimate (1823) taxonomic synonymOpegrapha atra f. cerasi (Chev.) Arnold, legitimate (1884) taxonomic synonym
Opegrapha leptoplacella (Müll.Arg.) Vězda, legitimate P.McCarthy (Comp.) (2016), Checklist of the Lichens of Australia and its Island Territories Patellaria leptoplacella Müll.Arg., legitimate (1896) nomenclatural synonymSagiolechia leptoplacella (Müll.Arg.) Zahlbr., legitimate (1924) nomenclatural synonym
Opegrapha rufescens Pers., legitimate P.McCarthy (Comp.) (2016), Checklist of the Lichens of Australia and its Island Territories Opegrapha siderella Ach., legitimate (1803) taxonomic synonymOpegrapha contexta Stirt., legitimate (1874) taxonomic synonym
Schismatomma occultum (C.Knight & Mitt.) Zahlbr., legitimate P.McCarthy (Comp.) (2016), Checklist of the Lichens of Australia and its Island Territories Stigmatidium nanocarpum C.Knight, legitimate (1882) taxonomic synonymPlatygrapha leptospora Müll.Arg., legitimate (1895) taxonomic synonymSchismatomma nanocarpum (C.Knight) Zahlbr., legitimate (1923) taxonomic synonym

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