
Micro: Prorocentrales
A tree element is an element of a classification tree structure (also known as a Node). The element holds the position of a Taxon Concept in an arrangement of taxon that we refer to generically as a tree.
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Micro (version 20239840) published 19/6/23 by rcowan
R.Cowan (2008) uses this taxon concept.
Dinophyta / Dinophyceae
33 sub taxa
Exuviaella lima (Ehrenb.) Bütschli, legitimate McLachlan, J.L., Boalch, G.T. & Jahn, R. (1997), Reinstatement of the genus Exuviaella (Dinophyceae, Prorocentrophycidae) and an assessment of Prorocentrum lima. Phycologia 36 Cryptomonas lima Ehrenb., legitimate (1860) nomenclatural synonymProrocentrum lima (Ehrenb.) F.Stein, legitimate (1878) nomenclatural synonymExuviaella marina Cienk., legitimate (1881) taxonomic synonymDinopyxis laevis F.Stein, legitimate (1883) taxonomic synonymExuviaella laevis (F.Stein) Schröd., legitimate (1900) taxonomic synonym
Mesoporos perforatus (Gran) Lillick, legitimate Dodge, J.D. (1982), Marine Dinoflagellates of the British Isles Exuviaella perforata Gran, legitimate (1915) nomenclatural synonymPorella perforata (Gran) J.Schiller, legitimate (1928) nomenclatural synonymPorotheca perforata (Gran) P.C.Silva, legitimate (1960) nomenclatural synonymPorella adriatica J.Schiller, legitimate (1928) taxonomic synonymPorella bisimpressa (J.Schiller) J.Schiller, legitimate (1928) taxonomic synonymPorella globulus J.Schiller, legitimate (1928) taxonomic synonymMesoporos globulus (J.Schiller) Lillick, legitimate (1937) taxonomic synonymPorella asymmetrica J.Schiller, legitimate (1933) taxonomic synonym
Prorocentrum balticum (Lohmann) A.R.Loebl., legitimate McMinn, A. & Scott, F.J. in Scott, F.J. & Marchant, H.J. (ed.) (2005), Dinoflagellates. Antarctic Marine Protists Exuviaella baltica Lohmann, legitimate (1908) nomenclatural synonymProrocentrum pomoideum Bursa, legitimate (1959) taxonomic synonym
Prorocentrum compressum (F.Stein) T.H.Abé ex J.D.Dodge, legitimate Steidinger, K.A. & Tangen, K. in Tomas, C.R. (ed.) (1997), Identifying Marine Phytoplankton. Identifying Marine Phytoplankton Dinopyxis compressa F.Stein, legitimate (1883) nomenclatural synonymExuviaella compressa (F.Stein) Ostenf., legitimate (1899) nomenclatural synonymExuviaella oblongata J.Schiller, legitimate (1928) taxonomic synonymProrocentrum bidens J.Schiller, legitimate (1928) taxonomic synonymProrocentrum lebourae J.Schiller, legitimate (1928) taxonomic synonymExuviaella lenticulata Matzen., legitimate (1933) taxonomic synonymExuviaella elongata Rampi, legitimate (1951) taxonomic synonym
Prorocentrum lima (Ehrenb.) F.Stein, legitimate McCarthy, P. (Comp.) (2012), Census of Australian Marine Dinoflagellates Cryptomonas lima Ehrenb., legitimate (1860) nomenclatural synonymExuviaella marina Cienk., legitimate (1881) taxonomic synonym
Prorocentrum minimum (Pavill.) J.Schiller, legitimate McCarthy, P. (Comp.) (2012), Census of Australian Marine Dinoflagellates Prorocentrum cordatum (Ostenf.) J.D.Dodge, legitimate (1975) taxonomic synonymExuviaella mariae-lebouriae Parke & D.Ballant., legitimate (1957) taxonomic synonymProrocentrum mariae-lebouriae (Parke & D.Ballant.) A.R.Loebl., legitimate (1970) taxonomic synonymProrocentrum cordiforme Bursa, legitimate (1959) taxonomic synonym
Prorocentrum rostratum F.Stein, legitimate Wood, E.J.F. (1954), Dinoflagellates of the Australian region. Australian Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 5 Prorocentrum styliferum Lohmann, legitimate (1920) taxonomic synonymProrocentrum tenue Lohmann, legitimate (1920) taxonomic synonym

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