APC: Cololejeunea
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APC (version 10159273) published 10/5/24 by nklazenga
APC Dist.
WA, NT, Qld, NSW, Vic, Tas
Plantae / Marchantiophyta / Jungermanniopsida / Jungermanniidae / Porellales / Jubulineae / Lejeuneaceae
34 sub taxa
Cololejeunea amphibola B.M.Thiers, legitimate CHAH (2011), Australian Plant Census Aphanolejeunea amphibola (B.M.Thiers) Pócs & Bernecker, legitimate (1999) nomenclatural synonym
Cololejeunea bistyla (Steph.) Pócs & Bernecker, legitimate CHAH (2011), Australian Plant Census Aphanolejeunea bistyla Steph., legitimate (1916) nomenclatural synonymCololejeunea bistyla Steph., nom. inval. (1889) taxonomic synonym
Cololejeunea goebelii (Gottsche ex Schiffn.) Schiffn., legitimate McCarthy, P.M. (2003), Catalogue of Australian Liverworts and Hornworts. Flora of Australia Supplementary Series 21 Lejeunea goebelii Gottsche ex Schiffn., legitimate (1893) nomenclatural synonymLejeunea trichomanis Gottsche, legitimate (1882) taxonomic synonymCololejeunea trichomanis (Gottsche) Steph., legitimate (1889) taxonomic synonymPhysocolea trichomanis (Gottsche) Steph., legitimate (1916) taxonomic synonym
Cololejeunea hasskarliana (Lehm.) Schiffn., legitimate CHAH (2011), Australian Plant Census Cololejeunea haskarliana Benedix, orth. var. (1953) orthographic variantLejeunea haskarliana Lehm., orth. var. (1844) nomenclatural synonymLejeunea hasskarliana Lehm., legitimate (1844) nomenclatural synonymLejeunea venusta Sande Lac., legitimate (1856) taxonomic synonymCololejeunea venusta (Sande Lac.) Schiffn., legitimate (1909) taxonomic synonymCololejeunea baueriana Schiffn., nom. inval., nom. nud. (1900) taxonomic synonymLeptocolea pallida Steph., legitimate (1916) taxonomic synonym
Cololejeunea inflata Steph., legitimate CHAH (2011), Australian Plant Census Physocolea oshimensis Horik., legitimate (1931) taxonomic synonymCololejeunea oshimensis (Horik.) Benedix, legitimate (1953) taxonomic synonym
Cololejeunea lanciloba Steph., legitimate McCarthy, P.M. (2003), Catalogue of Australian Liverworts and Hornworts. Flora of Australia Supplementary Series 21 Leptocolea lanciloba (Steph.) Steph., legitimate (1916) nomenclatural synonymLeptocolea wattsiana Steph., legitimate (1916) taxonomic synonymCololejeunea wattsiana (Steph.) R.M.Schust., legitimate (1963) taxonomic synonym
Cololejeunea mamillata (Angstr.) E.A.Hodgs., legitimate McCarthy, P.M. (2003), Catalogue of Australian Liverworts and Hornworts. Flora of Australia Supplementary Series 21 Lejeunea mamillata Angstr., legitimate (1872) nomenclatural synonymMicrolejeunea mamillata (Angstr.) Steph., legitimate (1915) nomenclatural synonymAphanolejeunea mamillata (Angstr.) Steph., legitimate (1916) nomenclatural synonym
Cololejeunea minutissima (Sm.) Schiffn., legitimate McCarthy, P.M. (2003), Catalogue of Australian Liverworts and Hornworts. Flora of Australia Supplementary Series 21 Jungermannia minutissima Sm., legitimate (1806) nomenclatural synonymLejeunea lhotskiana Hampe, legitimate (1845) taxonomic synonymPhysocolea lkotzkiana (Hampe) Steph., legitimate (1916) taxonomic synonymCololejeunea lkotzkiana (Hampe) R.M.Schust., legitimate (1963) taxonomic synonymPhysocolea casuarinae Steph., legitimate (1916) taxonomic synonymCololejeunea casuarinae (Steph.) R.M.Schust., legitimate (1963) taxonomic synonym
Cololejeunea papillosa (K.I.Goebel) Mizut., legitimate CHAH (2011), Australian Plant Census Physocolea papillosa K.I.Goebel, legitimate (1928) nomenclatural synonymAphanolejeunea papillosa (K.I.Goebel) Herzog, legitimate (1949) nomenclatural synonymAphanolejeunea angustissima Steph., legitimate (1916) taxonomic synonymAphanolejeunea microscopica var. borneensis Herzog, legitimate (1950) taxonomic synonymAphanolejeunea borneensis (Herzog) Pócs, legitimate (1984) taxonomic synonymAphanolejeunea cyathiphylla Herzog, legitimate (1952) taxonomic synonym
Cololejeunea planissima (Mitt.) Abeyw., legitimate CHAH (2011), Australian Plant Census Lejeunea planissima Mitt., legitimate (1861) nomenclatural synonymLeptocolea aoshimensis Horik., legitimate (1931) taxonomic synonymCololejeunea aoshimensis (Horik.) Mizut., legitimate (1961) taxonomic synonym
Cololejeunea sintenisii (Steph.) Pócs, legitimate CHAH (2011), Australian Plant Census Aphanolejeunea angustiloba Horik., legitimate (1932) taxonomic synonymAphanolejeunea teotonii Allorge & Jovet-Ast, legitimate (1950) taxonomic synonymAphanolejeunea ephemeroides R.M.Schust., legitimate (1955) taxonomic synonym
Cololejeunea thiersii (Pócs) Pócs, legitimate CHAH (2011), Australian Plant Census Aphanolejeunea thiersiana Pócs, orth. var. (1994) nomenclatural synonymAphanolejeunea thiersii Pócs, legitimate (1994) nomenclatural synonym

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