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A reference work with citation and author referred to by instances.
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Names in this reference:
Acaulon crassinervium Müll.Hal. Acaulon eremicola I.G.Stone Acaulon triquetrum ( Spruce) Müll.Hal. Archidium birmannicum Mitt. exDixon Archidium indicum Müll.Hal. Archidium ohioense Schimp. exMüll.Hal. Archidium rothii Watts exG.Roth Barbula calycina Schwägr. Barbula crinita Schultz Barbula indica Broth. Barbula subcalycina Müll.Hal. Brachymenium exile ( Dozy & Molk.) Bosch & Sande Lac. Brachymenium preissianum ( Hampe) A.Jaeger Bryoerythrophyllum binnsii ( R.Br.bis) Wijk & Margad. Bryum argenteum Hedw. Bryum caespiticium Hedw. Bryum capillare Hedw. Bryum dichotomum Hedw. Bryum pachytheca Müll.Hal. Bryum radiculosum Brid. Calymperes erosum Müll.Hal. Calymperes motleyi Mitt. Calymperes palisotii Schwägr. Calymperes tenerum Müll.Hal. Calymperes tenerum var. edamense M.Fleisch. Campylopus atroluteus ( Müll.Hal.) Paris Campylopus inchangae ( Müll.Hal.) Paris Campylopus perauriculatus Broth. Crossidium davidai Catches. Crossidium geheebii ( Broth.) Broth. Desmatodon convolutus ( Brid.) Grout Didymodon torquatus ( Taylor) Catches. Eccremidium arcuatum ( Hook.f. & Wilson) Müll.Hal. Eccremidium minutum ( Mitt.) I.G.Stone & G.A.M.Scott Eccremidium pulchellum ( Hook. & Wilson) Müll.Hal. Ephemerum cristatum ( Hook.f. & Wilson) Müll.Hal. Erpodium australiense I.G.Stone Erpodium biseriatum ( Austin) Austin Fissidens asplenioides Hedw. Fissidens borgenii Hampe Fissidens cairnensis Broth. & Watts Fissidens ceylonensis Dozy & Molk. Fissidens darwinianus Catches. & I.G.Stone Fissidens dietrichiae Müll.Hal. Fissidens gillianus Catches. & I.G.Stone Fissidens gymnocarpus I.G.Stone Fissidens hebetatus Catches. Fissidens humilis Dixon & Watts Fissidens leptocladus Müll.Hal. exRodway Fissidens perobtusus Dixon Fissidens pungens Müll.Hal. & Hampe Fissidens subhumilis Catches. Fissidens traversii I.G.Stone Fissidens victorialis Mitt. Fissidens zollingeri Mont. Funaria helmsii Broth. & Geh. Funaria hygrometrica Hedw. Funaria muhlenbergii Turner Funaria radians ( Hedw.) Müll.Hal. Funaria subnuda Taylor Garckea comosa ( Dozy & Molk.) Wijk & Margad. Gigaspermum repens ( Hook.) Lindb. Goniomitrium acuminatum Hook. & Wilson subsp. acuminatum Goniomitrium enerve Hook. & Wilson Grimmia laevigata ( Brid.) Brid. Gymnostomiella vernicosa ( Harv.) M.Fleisch. Gymnostomum calcareum Nees & Hornsch. Hyophila involuta ( Hook.) A.Jaeger Hyophila rosea R.S.Williams Isopterygium minutirameum ( Müll.Hal.) A.Jaeger var. minutirameum Leptobryum pyriforme ( Hedw.) Wilson Leucobryum aduncum Dozy & Molk. var. aduncum Leucobryum brachyphyllum Hampe exMüll.Hal. Leucobryum scalare Müll.Hal. exM.Fleisch. Leucobryum stenophyllum Besch. Leucophanes australe Broth. Mitthyridium flavum ( Müll.Hal.) H.Rob. Octoblepharum albidum Hedw. Philonotis hastata ( Duby) Wijk & Margad. Philonotis tenuis ( Taylor) Reichardt Pleuridium nervosum ( Hook.) Mitt. var. nervosum Pohlia wahlenbergii ( F.Weber & D.Mohr) A.L.Andrews Pottia brevicaulis ( Taylor) Müll.Hal. Pottia latzii Catches. Pottia scabrifolia E.B.Bartram Sematophyllum caespitosum Mitt. Splachnobryum baileyi Broth. Splachnobryum geheebii M.Fleisch. Splachnobryum indicum Hampe & Müll.Hal. Syrrhopodon spiculosus Hook. & Grev. Taxithelium instratum ( Brid.) Broth. Taxithelium kerianum ( Broth.) Broth. Taxithelium nepalense ( Schwägr.) Broth. Tetrapterum cylindricum ( Taylor) A.Jaeger Tortula pagorum ( Milde) De Not. Trachyphyllum inflexum ( Harv.) A.Gepp Trichostomum brachydontium Bruch Trichostomum crispulum Bruch Weissia willisiana ( Sainsbury) Catches.
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