A reference work with citation and author referred to by instances.
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A reference work with citation and author referred to by instances.
- At the bottom of this page are the citable links to this Instance object or just use the icon. You can "right click" in most browsers to copy it or open it in a new browser tab.
Names in this reference:
Acksonia mollissima W.Fitzg. Chorizema daviesioides var. preissianum Meisn. Chorozema daviesioides var. preissianum Meisn. Gompholobium furcellatum Bonpl. Gompholobium spinosum Labill. Jacksonia R.Br. exSm. Jacksonia acicularis Chappill Jacksonia aculeata W.Fitzg. Jacksonia alata Benth. Jacksonia angulata Benth. Jacksonia anthoclada Chappill Jacksonia aphylla ( Turcz.) Druce Jacksonia arenicola Chappill Jacksonia argentea C.A.Gardner Jacksonia arida Chappill Jacksonia arnhemica Chappill Jacksonia bifida Chappill Jacksonia calcicola Chappill Jacksonia calycina Domin Jacksonia capitata Benth. Jacksonia capitata var. rigida E.Pritz. Jacksonia carduacea Meisn. Jacksonia chappilliae C.F.Wilkins Jacksonia clarkii F.Muell. Jacksonia compressa Turcz. Jacksonia condensata Crisp & J.R.Wheeler Jacksonia cupulifera Meisn. Jacksonia debilis Chappill Jacksonia decumbens E.Pritz. Jacksonia dendrospinosa Chappill Jacksonia densiflora Benth. Jacksonia densiflora var. laxiflora Benth. Jacksonia divisa Chappill Jacksonia dumosa Meisn. Jacksonia effusa Chappill Jacksonia elongata Chappill Jacksonia epiphyllum Chappill Jacksonia eremodendron E.Pritz. Jacksonia fasciculata Meisn. Jacksonia flexuosa Chappill Jacksonia floribunda Endl. Jacksonia foliosa Turcz. Jacksonia forrestii F.Muell. Jacksonia furcellata ( Bonpl.) DC. Jacksonia gracilis Meisn. Jacksonia gracillima Chappill Jacksonia grevilleoides Turcz. Jacksonia hakeoides Meisn. Jacksonia hemisericea D.A.Herb. Jacksonia horrida DC. Jacksonia horrida var. racemosa Benth. Jacksonia horrida var. tenuis Benth. Jacksonia humilis Chappill Jacksonia intricata Chappill Jacksonia jackson Chappill Jacksonia juncea Turcz. Jacksonia lanicarpa Chappill Jacksonia lateriflora Steud. Jacksonia lateritica Chappill Jacksonia lehmannii Meisn. Jacksonia macrocalyx Meisn. Jacksonia macrocarpa Benth. Jacksonia mollissima W.Fitzg. Jacksonia nematoclada F.Muell. Jacksonia nutans Chappill Jacksonia odontoclada F.Muell. exBenth. Jacksonia pendens Chappill Jacksonia piptomeris Benth. Jacksonia pteroclada F.Muell. Jacksonia pungens Chappill Jacksonia purpurascens F.Muell. Jacksonia quairading Chappill Jacksonia quinkanensis Chappill Jacksonia racemosa Meisn. Jacksonia racemosa var. pubiflora Benth. Jacksonia ramosissima Benth. Jacksonia ramulosa Chappill Jacksonia reclinata Chappill Jacksonia remota Chappill Jacksonia restioides Meisn. Jacksonia rhadinoclada F.Muell. Jacksonia rhadinoclona F.Muell. Jacksonia rigida Chappill Jacksonia rubra Chappill Jacksonia rupestris Chappill Jacksonia scoparia R.Br. Jacksonia scoparia var. gonoclada Maiden & Betche Jacksonia scoparia var. macrocarpa Benth. Jacksonia scoparia var. parviflora Benth. Jacksonia secunda Chappill Jacksonia sericea Benth. Jacksonia sericea var. robusta Benth. Jacksonia sp. (A.S.George 5907) WA Herbarium Jacksonia sp. (A.S.George 6101) Jacksonia sp. (E.A.Chesterfield 263) Jacksonia sp. (M.G.Corrick 8785) Jacksonia sp. (Mt Isa C.H.Gittins 755) Jacksonia sp. (Myally G.Innis 279) Jacksonia sp. (N.Hoyle 579) WA Herbarium Jacksonia sp. (P.G.Wilson 8645) WA Herbarium Jacksonia sp. (R.Pullen 9659) Jacksonia sp. A Kimberley (C.Dunlop 8559) Jacksonia sp. Arnhem Land (P.S.Brocklehurst 53) Jacksonia sp. Badgingarra (H.Demarz D6601) WA Herbarium Jacksonia sp. Bloomfield Springs (K.Menkhorst 349) Jacksonia sp. Boyagin (D.Foreman 1068) Jacksonia sp. Busselton (G.J.Keighery 4482) Jacksonia sp. China Wall (A.Kanis 1314) Jacksonia sp. Collie (C.J.Koch 177) WA Herbarium Jacksonia sp. Cundeelee (B.Severne 74146) Jacksonia sp. Edkins 3965 Jacksonia sp. Esperance (M.G.Corrick 9558) WA Herbarium Jacksonia sp. Eva Valley (A.V.Slee et al. 2929) Jacksonia sp. Fitzgerald (G.J.Keighery 620) Jacksonia sp. Hyden (J.S.Beard 3852) Jacksonia sp. Kalbarri (M.D.Crisp 6274) WA Herbarium Jacksonia sp. Katherine Gorge (M.Lazarides 7039) NT Herbarium Jacksonia sp. Laura (J.R.Clarkson 4680) Jacksonia sp. Little Plain (Williams 94233) Jacksonia sp. Marchagee (B.Barnsley 920) WA Herbarium Jacksonia sp. Mt Drummond (J.M.Fox 86/130) Jacksonia sp. Mt Lesueur (E.A.Griffin 5571) WA Herbarium Jacksonia sp. Mt. Jackson (R.J.Cranfield 7748) Jacksonia sp. Nabarlek (F.Hinz 626) Jacksonia sp. Nerren Nerren (R.J.Cranfield 2576) Jacksonia sp. Newdegate (M.G.Corrick 8749) Jacksonia sp. Nourlangie Ck (C.Dunlop 3698) Jacksonia sp. Quairading (W.E.Blackall 3261) WA Herbarium Jacksonia sp. Tammin (R.J.Cranfield 4841) WA Herbarium Jacksonia sp. Tarin Rock (H.Demarz 1041) Jacksonia sp. prostrate (L.A.Craven 5850) Jacksonia sp. star calyx (M.Lazarides 9135) Jacksonia spicata Chappill Jacksonia spinosa ( Labill.) R.Br. Jacksonia stackhousei F.Muell. Jacksonia stackhousii F.Muell. Jacksonia stellaris Chappill Jacksonia sternbergiana Hügel exBenth. Jacksonia sternbergiana f. alata E.Pritz. Jacksonia sternbergiana f. horrida E.Pritz. Jacksonia sternbergiana f. pungens E.Pritz. Jacksonia sternbergiana var. filicaulis Meisn. Jacksonia sternbergiana var. puberula Meisn. Jacksonia stricta Meisn. Jacksonia tarinensis Chappill Jacksonia thesioides A.Cunn. exBenth. Jacksonia turneriana Domin Jacksonia ulicina Meisn. Jacksonia umbellata Turcz. Jacksonia velutina Benth. Jacksonia velveta Chappill Jacksonia venosa Chappill Jacksonia vernicosa F.Muell. exBenth. Jacksonia vernicosa var. rhadinoclona F.Muell. Jacksonia viscosa Chappill Piptomeris Turcz. Piptomeris alata ( Benth.) Greene Piptomeris angulata ( Benth.) Greene Piptomeris aphylla Turcz. Piptomeris capitata Greene Piptomeris carduacea ( Meisn.) Greene Piptomeris compressa ( Turcz.) Greene Piptomeris cupulifera ( Meisn.) Greene Piptomeris densiflora ( Benth.) Greene Piptomeris floribunda ( Endl.) Greene Piptomeris foliosa ( Turcz.) Greene Piptomeris forrestii ( F.Muell.) Greene Piptomeris furcellata ( Bonpl.) Greene Piptomeris hakeoides ( Meisn.) Greene Piptomeris horrida ( DC.) Greene Piptomeris lehmanni Greene Piptomeris lehmannii ( Meisn.) Greene Piptomeris nematoclada ( F.Muell.) Greene Piptomeris odontoclada ( Benth.) Greene Piptomeris pteroclada ( F.Muell.) Greene Piptomeris purpuascens Greene Piptomeris purpurascens ( F.Muell.) Greene Piptomeris racemosa ( Meisn.) Greene Piptomeris ramosissima ( Benth.) Greene Piptomeris restioides ( Meisn.) Greene Piptomeris rhadinoclada ( F.Muell.) Greene Piptomeris rhadinoclona ( F.Muell.) Greene Piptomeris scoparia ( R.Br. exSm.) Greene Piptomeris sericea ( Benth.) Greene Piptomeris spinosa ( Labill.) Greene Piptomeris stackhousei ( F.Muell.) Greene Piptomeris sternbergiana ( Hügel exBenth.) Greene Piptomeris stricta ( Meisn.) Greene Piptomeris thesioides ( A.Cunn. exBenth.) Greene Piptomeris umbellata ( Turcz.) Greene Piptomeris velutina ( Benth.) Greene Piptomeris vernicosa ( F.Muell. exBenth.) Greene Viminaria lateriflora Link
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