Vascular Plants

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Bostock, P.D. in McCarthy, P.M. (ed.) (1998), Cyatheaceae. Flora of Australia 48 : 193-205 (Section) Bostock, P.D. Author
Names in this reference:
  1. Alsophila australis R.Br.
  2. Alsophila australis var. cervicalis F.M.Bailey
  3. Alsophila australis var. excelsa (R.Br. ex Endl.) F.M.Bailey
  4. Alsophila australis var. pallida F.M.Bailey
  5. Alsophila baileyana Domin
  6. Alsophila capensis (L.f.) J.Sm.
  7. Alsophila cooperi Hook. ex F.Muell.
  8. Alsophila cooperi Hook.
  9. Alsophila cunninghamii (Hook.f.) R.M.Tryon
  10. Alsophila excelsa R.Br. ex Endl.
  11. Alsophila excelsa var. cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) Domin
  12. Alsophila hilliana F.Muell.
  13. Alsophila leichhardtiana F.Muell.
  14. Alsophila leichhardtiana var. woollsiana (F.Muell.) Domin
  15. Alsophila loddigesii Kunze
  16. Alsophila macarthurii Hook.
  17. Alsophila moorei J.Sm.
  18. Alsophila rebeccae F.Muell.
  19. Alsophila rebeccae var. commutata F.M.Bailey
  20. Alsophila robertsiana F.Muell.
  21. Alsophila woollsiana F.Muell.
  22. Alsophila x marcescens (N.A.Wakef.) R.M.Tryon
  23. Amphicosmia australis (C.Presl) T.Moore
  24. Cyathea Sm.
  25. Cyathea affinis (G.Forst.) Sw.
  26. Cyathea arachnoidea Hook.
  27. Cyathea australiensis Domin
  28. Cyathea australis (R.Br.) Domin
  29. Cyathea australis var. cervicalis (F.M.Bailey) Domin
  30. Cyathea australis var. pallida (F.M.Bailey) Domin
  31. Cyathea baileyana (Domin) Domin
  32. Cyathea boylei F.Muell. ex French
  33. Cyathea brownii var. cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) Domin
  34. Cyathea celebica Blume
  35. Cyathea cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) Domin
  36. Cyathea cunninghamii Hook.f.
  37. Cyathea exilis Holttum
  38. Cyathea extensa (G.Forst.) Sw.
  39. Cyathea felina (Roxb.) C.V.Morton
  40. Cyathea leichhardtiana (F.Muell.) Copel.
  41. Cyathea lindsayana Hook.
  42. Cyathea loddigesii (Kunze) Domin
  43. Cyathea rebeccae (F.Muell.) Domin
  44. Cyathea robertsiana (F.Muell.) Domin
  45. Cyathea Sm. subg. Cyathea
  46. Cyathea subg. Sphaeropteris (Bernh.) Holttum
  47. Cyathea woollsiana (F.Muell.) Domin
  48. Cyathea x marcescens N.A.Wakef.
  49. Hemitelia australis C.Presl
  50. Polypodium felinum Roxb.
  51. Prickly Tree Fern
  52. Skirted Tree fern
  53. Slender Tree Fern
  54. Sphaeropteris australis (C.Presl) R.M.Tryon
  55. Sphaeropteris celebica (Blume) R.M.Tryon
  56. Sphaeropteris cooperi (Hook. ex F.Muell.) R.M.Tryon
  57. Sphaeropteris felina (Roxb.) Pic.Serm.
  58. Wig Tree Fern

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