Vascular Plants

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Labiak, P.H., Sundue, M., Rouhan, G. & Moran, R.C. (2014), New combinations in Lastreopsis and Parapolystichum (Dryopteridaceae). Brittonia 67(1) : 79-86 DOI (Paper) Labiak, P.H., Sundue, M., Rouhan, G. & Moran, R.C. Author
Names in this reference:
  1. Aspidium rufescens Blume
  2. Coveniella Tindale
  3. Coveniella poecilophlebia (Hook.) Tindale
  4. Davallia tripinnata F.Muell. ex Benth.
  5. Dryopteris poecilophlebia (Hook.) C.Chr.
  6. Dryopteris rufescens (Blume) C.Chr.
  7. Dryopteris subg. Parapolystichum (Keyserl.) C.Chr.
  8. Lastrea acuminata Houlston
  9. Lastreopsis Ching
  10. Lastreopsis acuminata (Houlston) C.V.Morton
  11. Lastreopsis calantha (Endl.) Tindale
  12. Lastreopsis dissecta (C.T.White & Goy) Labiak, Sundue & R.C.Moran
  13. Lastreopsis grayi D.L.Jones
  14. Lastreopsis microsora (Endl.) Tindale
  15. Lastreopsis munita (Mett.) Tindale
  16. Lastreopsis nephrodioides (Baker) Tindale
  17. Lastreopsis poecilophlebia (Hook.) Labiak, Sundue & R.C.Moran
  18. Lastreopsis rufescens (Blume) Ching
  19. Lastreopsis smithiana Tindale
  20. Lastreopsis tinarooensis Tindale
  21. Lastreopsis tripinnata (F.Muell. ex Benth.) Labiak, Sundue & R.C.Moran
  22. Lastreopsis windsorensis D.L.Jones & B.Gray
  23. Leptolepia dissecta C.T.White & Goy
  24. Nephrodium microsorum Endl.
  25. Oenotrichia dissecta (C.T.White & Goy) S.B.Andrews
  26. Oenotrichia tripinnata (F.Muell. ex Benth.) Copel.
  27. Parapolystichum (Keyserl.) Ching
  28. Parapolystichum acuminatum (Houlston) Labiak, Sundue & R.C.Moran
  29. Parapolystichum microsorum (Endl.) Labiak, Sundue & R.C.Moran
  30. Parapolystichum microsorum (Endl.) Labiak, Sundue & R.C.Moran subsp. microsorum
  31. Parapolystichum munitum (Mett.) Labiak, Sundue & R.C.Moran
  32. Parapolystichum rufescens (Blume) Labiak, Sundue & R.C.Moran
  33. Parapolystichum smithianum (Tindale) Labiak, Sundue & R.C.Moran
  34. Parapolystichum tinarooense (Tindale) Labiak, Sundue & R.C.Moran
  35. Parapolystichum windsorense (D.L.Jones & B.Gray) Labiak, Sundue & R.C.Moran
  36. Parapolystichum windsorensis Labiak, Sundue & R.C.Moran
  37. Phegopteris munita Mett.
  38. Phegopteris rufescens (Blume) Mett.
  39. Polypodium poecilophlebium Hook.
  40. Polypodium rufescens (Blume) Blume
  41. Polystichum sect. Parapolystichum Keyserl.

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