A reference work with citation and author referred to by instances.
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A reference work with citation and author referred to by instances.
- At the bottom of this page are the citable links to this Instance object or just use the icon. You can "right click" in most browsers to copy it or open it in a new browser tab.
Names in this reference:
Conospermum Sm. Conospermum acinacifolium Graham Conospermum affine Schult. & Schult.f. Conospermum burgessiorum L.A.S.Johnson & McGill. Conospermum commutatum Schult. & Schult.f. Conospermum cucullatum Gand. Conospermum ellipticum Sm. Conospermum ellipticum var. imbricatum ( Sieber exSpreng.) Benth. Conospermum erectum C.Fraser exGraham Conospermum ericifolium Sm. Conospermum falcifolium Knight Conospermum helichrysoides Gand. Conospermum imbricatum Sieber exSpreng. Conospermum lanceolatum R.Br. Conospermum lavandulifolium A.Cunn. exMeisn. Conospermum linifolium A.Cunn. exMeisn. Conospermum longifolium Sm. Conospermum longifolium subsp. angustifolium ( Meisn.) L.A.S.Johnson & McGill. Conospermum longifolium Sm. subsp. longifolium Conospermum longifolium subsp. mediale L.A.S.Johnson & McGill. Conospermum longifolium var. angustifolium Meisn. Conospermum longifolium var. angustifolium R.Br. exBenth. Conospermum longifolium var. intermedium Meisn. Conospermum longifolium var. lingulatum Meisn. Conospermum mitchellii Meisn. Conospermum mitchellii var. ? dallachii Meisn. Conospermum patens Schltdl. Conospermum propinquum R.Br. Conospermum repens Sieber exSchult. & Schult.f. Conospermum rigidum Knight Conospermum scolopendrinum Gand. Conospermum scorzonerifolium Gand. Conospermum smithii Pers. Conospermum sphacelatum Hook. Conospermum spicatum R.Br. Conospermum taxifolium C.F.Gaertn. Conospermum taxifolium 'Blue Mountains form' Conospermum taxifolium 'Tasmanian form' Conospermum taxifolium 'broad-leaved form' Conospermum taxifolium 'common form' Conospermum taxifolium 'narrow-leaved form' Conospermum taxifolium 'type form' Conospermum taxifolium var. ? hookeri Meisn. Conospermum taxifolium var. ? leianthum Benth. Conospermum taxifolium var. brownii Meisn. Conospermum taxifolium var. lanceolatum ( R.Br.) Benth. Conospermum taxifolium var. lavandulifolium ( A.Cunn. exMeisn.) Domin Conospermum taxifolium var. linifolium ( A.Cunn. exMeisn.) Benth. Conospermum taxifolium var. smithii Meisn. Conospermum taxifolium var. typicum Domin Conospermum tenuifolium R.Br.
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- Note you can access JSON and XML versions of this object by setting the correct mime type in the ACCEPTS header of your HTTP request or by appending ".json" or ".xml" to the end of the URL.
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