A reference work with citation and author referred to by instances.
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A reference work with citation and author referred to by instances.
- At the bottom of this page are the citable links to this Instance object or just use the icon. You can "right click" in most browsers to copy it or open it in a new browser tab.
Names in this reference:
Acacia cordifolia Sweet Acacia cyclopis Sweet Acacia dillwyniaefolia Sweet Acacia impressa Sweet Acacia mucronulata Sweet Acacia oleifolia Sweet Acacia pendula Sweet Acacia rigens Sweet Acacia thegonocarpa Sweet Alyxia richardsoni Sweet Aneilema nudiflora Sweet Aneilema nudiflorum ( L.) Sweet Argyreia speciosa ( L.f.) Sweet Babiana angustifolia Sweet Banksia dryandroides Sweet Banksia prostrata Sweet Bignonia meonantha Link Blechnum procerum ( G.Forst.) Sw. Caleana minor R.Br. Caleya minor ( R.Br.) Sweet Callistemon formosus Sweet Callistemon microphyllum Sweet Callistemon microphyllus Sweet Calothamnus clavatus Sweet Commelina axillaris L. Commelina nudiflora L. Convolvulus cairicus L. Convolvulus speciosus L.f. Crinum arenarium Herb. var. arenarium Crinum arenarium var. blandum Sweet Cyanotis axillaris ( L.) D.Don exSweet Dillwynia pungens Sweet Dolichos purpureus L. Dracaena congesta Sweet Dracophyllum longifolium Sweet Dryandra baxteri Sweet Dryandra cuneata var. brevifolia Sweet Dryandra cuneata var. longifolia Sweet Dryandra nervosa Sweet Eriostemon ericifolium Sweet Eurycles alata Sweet Gladiolus bicolor Thunb. Gleichenioideae ( J.Presl) Sweet Gompholobium reticulatum Sweet Gompholobium tenellum Sweet Grevillea berberifolia Sweet Grevillea flindersii Sweet Grevillea heterophylla Sweet Grevillea podalyriaefolia Sweet Grevillea trifurcata Sweet Gymnostyles anthemifolia A.Juss. Hakea angustifolia Sweet Hakea cucullata Sweet Hakea echinata Sweet Hakea flexilis Sweet Hakea petrophiloides Sweet Hakea repanda Sweet Hakea subulata Sweet Hippia stolonifera Brot. Homeria collina var. aurantiaca Sweet Homeria flaccida Sweet Ipomoea cairica ( L.) Sweet Isolepis gracilis Sweet Isolepis nodosa ( Rottb.) R.Br. Isopogon propinquus Sweet Kennedia dilatata Sweet Kennedia heterophylla Sweet Kennedia inophylla Sweet Lablab purpureus ( L.) Sweet Lachenalia mutabilis Sweet Leonurus heterophyllus Sweet Lomaria procera ( G.Forst.) Sweet Lotus australis var. angustifoliolus DC. Lotus candolleanus Sweet Lotus obovatus Sweet Lysinema pungens var. alba Sweet Lysinema pungens var. album Sweet Lysinema pungens ( Cav.) R.Br. var. pungens Lysinema pungens var. rubra Sweet Melaleuca tenuifolia Sweet Metrosideros aspera Sweet Mirbelia baxteri Sweet Mirbelia pungens Sweet Murucuia herbertiana ( Ker Gawl.) Sweet Osmunda procera G.Forst. Oxylobium obtusifolium Sweet Pancratium australasicum Ker Gawl. Passiflora herbertiana Ker Gawl. Persoonia pruinosa Sweet Phebalium lachnoides Sweet Phebalium lineare Sweet Polypodioideae Sweet Rulingia corylifolia Sweet Scirpus gracilis Rudge Soliva anthemifolia ( Juss.) Sweet Soliva stolonifera ( Brot.) Sweet Stegania procera ( G.Forst.) R.Br. Synnotia bicolor ( Thunb.) Sweet Tecoma meonantha ( Link) Sweet Vieusseuxia bellendenii Sweet
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