Fungi Australian Fungi Name Index (AFNI)

Showing Phytophthora boodjera
Phytophthora boodjera Simamora & T.I.Burgess , legitimate, scientific
Simamora, A.V., Stukely, M.J.C., Hardy, G.E. St J. & Burgess, T.I. (6 October 2015), Phytophthora boodjera sp. nov., a damping-off pathogen in production nurseries and from urban and natural landscapes, with an update on the status of P. alticola. IMA Fungus 6(2): 326, figs. 4-5 [tax. nov.]
  • Type: “Type: Australia: Western Australia: Tincurrin, from nursery soil dump, Mar. 2012, collected by the Vegetation Health Service of the Department of Parks and Wildlife (MURU 470 - holotype; cultures ex-type CBS 138637 = VHS 26806).”
  • Text: identifier: MB 809223
  • Text: DNA sequence: from holotype: GenBank KJ372244 (ITS), KJ372283 (ß-tubulin), KJ396710 (HSP90), KJ396738 (enolase), KJ396688 (coxI).
  • Etymology: "The species name is derived from the Noongar (local Aboriginal) name for earth, ground, or sand plain."
AusFungi (2023), AusFungi: - AFL [secondary reference]
Thines, M. (27 July 2023), Nomenclatural novelties. Index Fungorum 548: 1 [basionym]
basionym of: Peronophythora boodjera (Thines) Simamora & T.I.Burgess legitimate

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