Fungi Australian Fungi Name Index (AFNI)

Showing Phytophthora dauci
Phytophthora dauci Bertier, H.Brouwer & De Cock , legitimate, scientific
Bertier, L., Brouwer, H. & De Cock, A.W.A.M. (14 May 2013), The expansion of Phytophthora clade 8b: three new species associated with winter grown vegetable crops. Persoonia 31: 69, fig. 6 [tax. nov.]
  • Type: "Australia, from root of Daucus carota, 2003, CBS 114039. – France, from root of Daucus carota, 2009, D. Breton, holotype CBS H-21128 (dried culture), culture ex-holotype CBS 127102."
  • Text: DNA sequence: from holotype: Genbank KC478731 (Cox1), KC478761 (ITS).
  • Text: identifier: MB 803103
  • Etymology: "Named after the host plant, Daucus carota (carrot)."
AusFungi (2023), AusFungi: - AFL [secondary reference]

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