Fungi Fungi Name Index (FNI)

Showing Phytopythium
Phytopythium Abad, De Cock, K.Bala, Robideau, A.M.Lodhi & Lévesque , legitimate, scientific
Bala, K., Robideau, G.P., Lévesque, C.A., de Cock, A.W.A.M., Abad, Z.G., Lodhi, A.M., Shahzad, S., Ghaffar, A. & Coffey, M.D. (2010), Phytopythium Abad, De Cock, Bala, Robideau, Lodhi & Lévesque. Persoonia 24: 137, "Colour illustrations." [tax. nov.]
  • Type: "Type species. Phytopythium sindhum."
  • Text: identifier: MB 517068
  • Etymology: "Name refers to the province Sindh from where this species was frequently isolated."