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Papulosaceae Winka & O.E.Erikss.
Wongia ficherai Steinrucken, Vitelli, Holdom, Y.P.Tan & R.G.Shivas , legitimate scientific apni Crous, P.W., Boers, J., Holdom, D.G. et al. (12 July 2022), Fungal Planet description sheets: 1383 –1435. Persoonia 48: 359, "Colour illustrations." [tax. nov.]
  • Type: "Typus. Australia, Queensland, Taunton, Williams Way, S24°26'58.0" E151°47'05.6", from roots of Eragrostis curvula (Poaceae), 18 May 2018, J.S. Vitelli (holotype BRIP 69019, preserved as metabolically inactive culture, culture ex-type BRIP 69019; ...)"
  • Text: identifier: MB 842476
  • Text: DNA sequences: from culture ex-type: GenBank OM230139 (ITS), OM230140 (LSU), OM162025 (rpb2).
  • Text: Fungal Planet description sheet 1431, with authors indicated as “Steinrucken, T.V., Vitelli, J.S., Holdom, D., Tan, Y.P. & Shivas, R.G.”
  • Etymology: "In honour of Giovanni (Gio) Fichera, our friend and colleague, in the year of his retirement after three and a half decades of providing research and technical support, and friendship to the Tropical Weed Biological Control teams at the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Brisbane."

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