Australian Moss Name Index (AusMoss)

Showing Riccia natans
Ricciaceae Rchb.
Riccia natans L. , legitimate, scientific
Linnaeus, C. (1759), Systema Naturae Edn. 10, 2: 1339 [tax. nov.]
  • Type: "Dill. musc, t. 78. f. 8.a Cl. Schmiedel."
Corda, A.K.J. in Opiz, P.M. (ed.) (1829), Naturalientausch 12: 651 [basionym]
basionym of: Ricciocarpos natans (L.) Corda legitimate
McCarthy, P.M. (2003), Catalogue of Australian Liverworts and Hornworts. Flora of Australia Supplementary Series 21: 97 [nomenclatural synonym]
nomenclatural synonym of: Ricciocarpos natans (L.) Corda legitimate
Iamonico, D. & Iberite, M. (2014), Lectotypification of the Linnaean names Riccia fluitans and R. nutans (Ricciaceae). Taxon 63(2): 395 [secondary reference]
  • Lectotype: (designated here): [illustration in:] Dillenius, Hist. Musc.: t. 78, fig. 18. 1742 (“1741”). [Image of lectotype available at]