ABNI Australian Bryophyte Name Index (ABNI)

Showing Pseudoleskeopsis imbricata
Leskeaceae Schimp.
Pseudoleskeopsis imbricata (Hook.f. & Wilson) Thér. , legitimate, scientific
Thériot, I. (1929), Le genre Pseudoleskeopsis. Annales de Cryptogamie Exotique 2: 20 [comb. nov.]
basionym: Leskea imbricata Hook.f. & Wilson legitimate
Crosby, M.R., R.E. Magill, B.H. Allen & S. He (1999), A checklist of the mosses: - [secondary reference]
nomenclatural synonym: Pseudoleskea imbricata (Hook.f. & Wilson) Broth. legitimate
Streimann, H. (2002), The mosses of Norfolk Island: 107 [secondary reference]
Klazenga, N. (2015), AusMoss: Catalogue of Australian mosses, v. 2015-11-16: - CAB [secondary reference]
nomenclatural synonym: Leskea imbricata Hook.f. & Wilson legitimate nomenclatural synonym: Cryphaea imbricata (Hook.f. & Wilson) Mitt. legitimate nomenclatural synonym: Pseudoleskea imbricata (Hook.f. & Wilson) Broth. legitimate taxonomic synonym: Leskea calochlora Müll.Hal. ex F.M.Bailey nom. inval., nom. nud. taxonomic synonym: Pseudoleskea calochlora Müll.Hal. ex Watts nom. inval., nom. nud.
  • CAB Dist.: SA, Qld, NSW, NI, ACT, Vic, Tas
  • distribution: S.A., Qld, N.S.W., A.C.T., Vic., ?Tas., Norfolk I.

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