Vascular Plants Australian Plant Name Index (APNI)

Showing Hibbertia tasmanica
Dilleniaceae Salisb.
Hibbertia tasmanica Baill. , legitimate, scientific
Baillon, H.E. (1865), Adansonia 6: 264 [tax. nov.]
  • Type: "Crescit in Tasmania ubi, anno 1840, legit Le Guillo (herb. Mus. par.)."
Hoogland, R.D. (1983), Notes on some Hibbertia species. Australian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter 34: 3 APC [secondary reference]
taxonomic synonym: Hibbertia holtzei F.Muell. legitimate
  • APC Dist.: NT
  • Comment: "...confusion concerning Van Dieman Gulf and Van Diemen's Land is the obvious explanation for the inappropriate naming of this species, only known from the Darwin area to the Cobourg Peninsula."
Dunlop, C.R. (1987), Checklist of the Vascular Plants of the Northern Territory. Technical Report: Conservation Commission of the Northern Territory 26: 28 [secondary reference]
Kerrigan, R.A. & Albrecht, D.E. (ed.) (March 2007), Checklist of Northern Territory Vascular Plant Species: [unnumbered page] [secondary reference]
Toelken, H.R. (17 August 2023), Notes on Hibbertia (Dilleniaceae: subgen. Hemistemma) — 12. The northern Australian species of the H. banksii group. Swainsona 37: 33 [secondary reference]
  • Lectotype: "Van Diemen Tasmanie, ‘Voyage de l’Astrolabe et de la Zélée 1838–1840’, 1841, M. Le Guillou s.n. (P00682346), fide Hoogland, Austral. Syst. Bot. Soc. Newslett. 34: 3 (1983), as “Type”. Remaining syntypes: Raffles-Baie (Nlle Hollande Septb), 1841, Dr Hombron s.n. (P00682345); (Van Diemen?), Raffles-Baie (Nlle Hollande Septb), 1841, M. Leguillou s.n. (P00682348) (both annotated as “probably isotype” by Hoogland)."
Toelken, H.R. (17 August 2023), Notes on Hibbertia (Dilleniaceae: subgen. Hemistemma) — 12. The northern Australian species of the H. banksii group. Swainsona 37: 26 [pro parte misapplied]
pro parte misapplied to: Hibbertia holtzei F.Muell. legitimate by Hoogland, R.D. (1983), Notes on some Hibbertia species. Australian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter 34: 3

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