The Australian Plant Name Index (APNI) is a tool for the botanical community that deals with plant names and their usage in the scientific literature, whether as a current name or synonym. APNI does not recommend any particular taxonomy or nomenclature. For a listing of currently accepted scientific names for the Australian vascular flora, please use the Australian Plant Census (APC) link above.
Showing Hibbertia lactucifolia
- Plantae(reg.)
- Charophyta(div.)
- Equisetopsida(cl.)
- Magnoliidae(subcl.)
- Myrothamnanae(superordo)
- Dilleniaceae(fam.)
- Hibbertia(gen.)
- lactucifolia(sp.)
Type: "In sublimosis sylvaticis districtus Sussex, 23. Dec. 1839. Herb. Preiss. No. 2161 et in umbrosis sylvaticis prope Albany, districtus Plantagenet, 22. Sept. 1840. No. 2173."
APC Comment: A name of uncertain application, possibly referrable to Hibbertia cunninghamii.
Lectotype: "(here designated): Western Australia, Sussex District, 23 Dec. 1839, J.A.L. Preiss 2161 (P02371162 ex Herb. Steudel, image!). Isolectotypes: LD1096772 image!, MEL666829A image!, MEL666830 image!, P02371163 image!, S08-20140 image!. Remaining syntypes: Western Australia, Plantagenet District, 22 Sep. 1840, J.A.L. Preiss 2173 (MEL666829B image!, LD1002338 image!, P02371160 ex Herb. Steudel, image!)."