Vascular Plants Australian Plant Name Index (APNI)

Showing Scholtzia uniovulata
Myrtaceae Juss.
Scholtzia uniovulata Rye , legitimate, scientific
Rye, B.L. (28 March 2019), An update to the taxonomy of some Western Australian genera of Myrtaceae tribe Chamelaucieae. 6. Scholtzia. Nuytsia 30: 84-85, Figs 1D, 5B (map) [tax. nov.]
  • Type: "Midlands Road, 2.5 km north of Coorow, Western Australia, 28 August 2003, B. Moyle & N. Gibson BM 005 (holo: PERTH 08126291; iso: ?CANB, K, MEL)."
common name: Common Scholtzia [n/a]
  • Etymology: "From the Latin unus (one) and ovulatus (having ovules). Refers to the presence of only one ovule in each loculus of the ovary and frequently only one ovule per ovary as the ovary is usually unilocular."
Parker, C.M. & Percy-Bower, J.M. (10 December 2019), Updates to Western Australia’s vascular plant census for 2019. Nuytsia 30: 342 [secondary reference]