Vascular Plants
Australian Plant Name Index (APNI)
The Australian Plant Name Index (APNI) is a tool for the botanical community that deals with plant names and their usage in the scientific literature, whether as a current name or synonym. APNI does not recommend any particular taxonomy or nomenclature. For a listing of currently accepted scientific names for the Australian vascular flora, please use the Australian Plant Census (APC) link above.
Rhamnaceae Juss.
Pomaderris subochreata Reissek
, nom. inval., pro syn. , scientific
Reissek, S. (1858) , Plantae Muellerianae Australasicae - Celastrineae, Rhamneae. Linnaea: ein Journal für die Botanik in ihrem ganzen Umfange, oder Beiträge zur Pflanzenkunde 29(3) :
[primary reference]
nom. inval. – name in synonymy only under Spyridium subochreatum Reisseck.
Reissek, S. (1858) , Plantae Muellerianae Australasicae - Celastrineae, Rhamneae. Linnaea: ein Journal für die Botanik in ihrem ganzen Umfange, oder Beiträge zur Pflanzenkunde 29(3) :
[taxonomic synonym]
taxonomic synonym of:
Spyridium subochreatum ( F.Muell.) Reissek
Rye, B.L. (11 January 1995) , New and priority taxa in the genera Spyridium and Trymalium (Rhamnaceae) of Western Australia. Nuytsia 10(1) :
[taxonomic synonym]
taxonomic synonym of:
Spyridium subochreatum ( F.Muell.) Reissek
Rye, B.L. (31 July 1996) , A synopsis of the genera Pomaderris, Siegfriedia, Spyridium and Trymalium (Rhamnaceae) in Western Australia. Nuytsia 11(1) :
[nomenclatural synonym]
nomenclatural synonym of:
Spyridium subochreatum ( F.Muell.) Reissek var. subochreatum
Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (2011) , Australian Plant Census :
[taxonomic synonym]
taxonomic synonym of:
Spyridium subochreatum ( F.Muell.) Reissek
Kellermann, J., Mosyakin, S.L., Clowes, C. & Udovicic, F. (1 December 2022) , Australian species of Rhamnaceae published by Turczaninow, their types, current names and synonyms. Swainsona 36 :
[taxonomic synonym]
taxonomic synonym of:
Spyridium subochreatum ( F.Muell.) Reissek