Algae Australian Algae Name Index (AANI)

Showing Dimeregramma minus var. nanum
Dimeregramma minus var. nanum (W.Greg.) Van Heurck , legitimate, scientific
Van Heurck, H.F. (1896), Diatomaceae: 336, pl. 10, fig. 393 [comb. nov.]
John, J. (1983), The diatom flora of the Swan River Estuary, Western Australia. Bibliotheca Phycologica 64: 1–358 [secondary reference]
Saunders, K., Lane, C., Cook, S., McMinn, A. & Hallegraeff, G.M. (2010), Benthic diatoms. Algae of Australia: Phytoplankton of Temperate Coastal Waters: 136 [secondary reference]
McCarthy, P. (2012), Census of Australian Marine Diatoms: - [secondary reference]
nomenclatural synonym: Denticula minor W.Greg. legitimate
  • APC Comment: P.McCarthy (2012) uses this taxon concept.
  • Distribution: Vic. (Corner Inlet, Gippsland Lakes, Lake Tyers, Western Port Bay), Tas. (Blackman Bay, Cloudy Bay Lagoon), W.A. (Perth)
  • Ex.distribution: Caribbean Sea, British Isles, Spain, Yellow Sea