Algae Australian Algae Name Index (AANI)

Showing Rhodoglossum polycarpum var. simpliciuscula
Rhodoglossum polycarpum var. simpliciuscula J.Agardh , legitimate, scientific
Agardh, J.G. (1876), Species genera et ordines algarum: 186 [tax. nov.]
  • Type locality: No type statement is found in Agardh 1876.
Edyvane, K.S. & Womersley, H.B.S. (1993), Morphology and taxonomy of Rhodoglossum gigartinoides (Sonder) comb. nov. (Gigartinaceae, Rhodophyta) from Australia and New Zealand. Phycologia 32: - [secondary reference]
  • Type specimen: LECTOTYPE: Lund, Sweden: 23285
Edyvane, K.S. & Womersley, H.B.S. in Womersley, H.B.S. (1994), Family Gigartinaceae. The marine benthic flora of southern Australia: - [taxonomic synonym]
taxonomic synonym of: Rhodoglossum gigartinoides (Sond.) Edyvane & Womersley legitimate
ABRS (2011), Australian Algal Name Index Edn. 2011: - [secondary reference]
  • Comment: Edyvane & Womersley 1993:239 indicate that they agree with Parkinson that this is a new name and not a combination of Iridea polycarpa Harvey.