Algae Australian Algae Name Index (AANI)

Showing Callophyllis cervicornis
Callophyllis cervicornis Sond. , legitimate, scientific
Sonder, O.W. (1853), Plantae Muellerianae: Algae. Linnaea 25: 678-679 [tax. nov.]
  • Type locality: Encounter-Bay.
  • Type specimen: HOLOTYPE: Melbourne: 1005962
Womersley, H.B.S. (1994), The marine benthic flora of southern Australia: - [secondary reference]
  • APC Comment: ABRS (2011) uses this taxon concept.
ABRS (2011), Australian Algal Name Index Edn. 2011: - [secondary reference]
  • AMANI dist.: Victoria (Flindersian), South Australia (Flindersian).