Vascular Plants

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Neptunia monosperma F.Muell. ex Benth., legitimate, scientific secondary reference apni
Bean, A.R. (16 November 2022), A revision of Neptunia Lour. (Leguminosae: subfamily Caesalpinioideae, Mimosoid clade) in Australia and Malesia. Austrobaileya 12: 84-85, Figs. 4E, 7, Map 9 [secondary reference]
  • Lectotype: "Australia. [Northern Territory.] Victoria River, [1855–56], F. Mueller s.n. (lecto [second-step, here designated]: K 000791027; isolecto: MEL 596309, branch ‘A’ only)."
  • Text: "Windler (1966) chose the Victoria River syntype as lectotype for Neptunia monosperma, although he did not cite the herbarium in which it was held. Cowan (1996) ignored this choice and selected instead the specimen collected by Landsborough from the Gulf of Carpentaria. Cowan argued that Windler did not deliberately choose a lectotype, and that he “simply repeated the collection(s) cited in the protologue”. That is not the case. In the protologue, Bentham cited “N. Australia. Upper Victoria river, F.Mueller; Gulf of Carpentaria, Landsborough, Henne. Queensland, Bowman.” while Windler (1966) stated “Type.—Upper Victoria River, F. Mueller”. Windler has clearly selected the Victoria River gathering from amongst the syntypes. As Windler did not designate which herbarium holds the type, a second-step lectotypification is needed, and that is effected here. The sheet on which the lectotype is mounted includes two other taxa, but the barcode K 000791027 is associated only with the lectotype, i.e. the two branches on the lefthand side of the sheet."

Secondary reference of

Neptunia monosperma F.Muell. ex Benth.

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