Vascular Plants

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Baker, M.L., Wapstra, M. & Lawrence, D. (20 August 2019), An annotated census of the lesser-known naturalised plants of Tasmania. Muelleria 38 : 27–69 DOI (Paper) Baker, M.L., Wapstra, M. & Lawrence, D. Author
Names in this reference:
  1. Acacia baileyana F.Muell.
  2. Adonis microcarpa DC.
  3. Aegopodium podagraria L.
  4. Aeonium haworthii Salm-Dyck ex Webb & Berthel.
  5. African lovegrass
  6. Aira cupaniana Guss.
  7. Alnus cordata (Loisel.) Duby
  8. Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn.
  9. Alstroemeria aurea Graham
  10. Amaranthus graecizans subsp. silvestris (Vill.) Brenan
  11. Amaranthus spinosus L.
  12. Anigozanthos flavidus Redouté
  13. Anredera cordifolia (Ten.) Steenis
  14. Antirrhinum majus L.
  15. Aptenia cordifolia (L.f.) Schwantes
  16. Aquilegia vulgaris L.
  17. Arbutus unedo L.
  18. Avellinia michelii (Savi) Parl.
  19. Bassia scoparia (L.) A.J.Scott
  20. Bhutan pine
  21. Brassica oleracea L.
  22. Brassica x juncea (L.) Czern.
  23. Calamagrostis epigejos (L.) Roth
  24. Callitriche brutia Petagna subsp. brutia
  25. Campanula rapunculoides L.
  26. Cape gooseberry
  27. Carex buxbaumii Wahlenb.
  28. Carex pilulifera L.
  29. Carex scoparia Schkuhr ex Willd.
  30. Carex testacea Sol. ex Boott
  31. Carpobrotus aequilaterus (Haw.) N.E.Br.
  32. Carrichtera annua (L.) DC.
  33. Centaurea calcitrapa L.
  34. Centaurea cyanus L.
  35. Centaurea solstitialis L.
  36. Chenopodium capitatum (L.) Ambrosi
  37. Chenopodium foliosum (Moench) Asch.
  38. Cistus inflatus Pourr. ex Demoly
  39. Claytonia perfoliata Donn ex Willd.
  40. Collomia grandiflora Douglas ex Lindl.
  41. Cootamundra wattle
  42. Crassula muscosa L. var. muscosa
  43. Crassula natans var. minor (Eckl. & Zeyh.) G.D.Rowley
  44. Crassula tetragona subsp. robusta (Toelken) Toelken
  45. Cretan mallow
  46. Cuban lily
  47. Cuscuta suaveolens Ser.
  48. Cynara cardunculus subsp. flavescens Wiklund
  49. Dichanthium sericeum (R.Br.) A.Camus subsp. sericeum
  50. Digitaria ciliaris (Retz.) Koeler
  51. Digitaria ternata (A.Rich.) Stapf
  52. Ecballium elaterium (L.) A.Rich.
  53. Echinochloa oryzoides (Ard.) Fritsch
  54. Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn.
  55. Eleusine tristachya (Lam.) Lam.
  56. Epilobium nummulariifolium R.Cunn. ex A.Cunn.
  57. Eragrostis curvula (Schrad.) Nees
  58. Eragrostis tenuifolia (A.Rich.) Hochst. ex Steud.
  59. Erodium malacoides (L.) L'Hér.
  60. Eruca sativa Mill.
  61. Euphorbia stricta L.
  62. European honeysuckle
  63. French honeysuckle
  64. French serradella
  65. Fumaria officinalis L. subsp. officinalis
  66. Galium tricornutum Dandy
  67. Galium verum L.
  68. Geranium yeoi Aedo & Muñoz Garm.
  69. Glyceria plicata (Fr.) Fr.
  70. Griselinia littoralis (Raoul) Raoul
  71. Hakea laurina R.Br.
  72. Hedysarum coronarium L.
  73. Hieracium pilosella L.
  74. Holcus mollis L.
  75. Hordeum hystrix Roth
  76. Hyoscyamus albus L.
  77. Hypericum humifusum L.
  78. Hypericum pulchrum L.
  79. Indian mustard
  80. Isolepis hystrix (Thunb.) Nees
  81. Italian alder
  82. Johnson grass
  83. Juncus microcephalus Kunth
  84. Kickxia spuria subsp. integrifolia (Brot.) R.Fern.
  85. Kniphofia uvaria (L.) Oken
  86. Laburnum anagyroides Medik.
  87. Lactuca serriola f. integrifolia (Gray) S.D.Prince & R.N.Carter
  88. Lagarosiphon major (Ridl.) Moss
  89. Lathyrus nissolia L.
  90. Lepidium heterophyllum Benth.
  91. Limonium sinuatum (L.) Mill.
  92. Lithospermum officinale L.
  93. Lobelia erinus L.
  94. Lomatia fraseri R.Br.
  95. Lonicera periclymenum L.
  96. Lotus angustissimus L.
  97. Lunaria annua L.
  98. Lupinus angustifolius L.
  99. Lysimachia minima (L.) U.Manns & Anderb.
  100. Madeira cranesbill
  101. Madeira vine
  102. Malva pseudolavatera Webb & Berthel.
  103. Matricaria chamomilla L.
  104. Medicago arborea L.
  105. Medicago falcata L.
  106. Medicago sativa subsp. x varia (Martyn) Arcang.
  107. Mentha spicata L.
  108. Mesembryanthemum cordifolium L.f.
  109. Molineriella minuta (L.) Rouy
  110. Nasturtium microphyllum Boenn. ex Rchb.
  111. New Zealand broadleaf
  112. Nicotiana sylvestris Speg.
  113. Oenothera biennis L.
  114. Onobrychis viciifolia Scop.
  115. Onopordum acaulon L.
  116. Ornithopus sativus Brot.
  117. Panicum capillare L.
  118. Panicum capillare L. var. capillare
  119. Panicum capillare var. occidentale Rydb.
  120. Panicum gilvum Launert
  121. Parietaria judaica L.
  122. Peruvian lily
  123. Philadelphia blackberry
  124. Physalis peruviana L.
  125. Pilosella officinarum Vaill. subsp. officinarum
  126. Pinus wallichiana A.B.Jacks.
  127. Pseudofumaria alba (Mill.) Lidén subsp. alba
  128. Ranunculus acris L. subsp. acris
  129. Ranunculus arvensis L.
  130. Ranunculus flammula L. subsp. flammula
  131. Ranunculus sceleratus L. subsp. sceleratus
  132. Ranunculus trilobus Desf.
  133. Raphanus maritimus Sm.
  134. Rorippa sylvestris (L.) Besser
  135. Rubus philadelphicus Blanch.
  136. Rubus rubritinctus W.C.R.Watson
  137. Rubus rugosus Sm.
  138. Russian comfrey
  139. Russian dandelion
  140. Salix alba var. vitellina (L.) Stokes
  141. Salix matsudana ‘Tortuosa’
  142. Salix purpurea L.
  143. Salix x calodendron Wimm.
  144. Salix x rubens Schrank
  145. Salix x sepulcralis nothovar. chrysocoma (Dode) Meikle
  146. Scilla peruviana L.
  147. Securigera varia (L.) Lassen
  148. Senecio angulatus L.f.
  149. Setaria pumila (Poir.) Roem. & Schult. subsp. pumila
  150. Silene colorata Poir.
  151. Silene conica L.
  152. Silene dichotoma Ehrh.
  153. Silene longicaulis Pourr. ex Lag.
  154. Solanum nodiflorum Jacq.
  155. Solanum triflorum Nutt.
  156. Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench
  157. Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers.
  158. St Barnaby's thistle
  159. Stellaria graminea L.
  160. Symphytum x uplandicum Nyman
  161. Taraxacum kok-saghyz L.E.Rodin
  162. Thlaspi arvense L.
  163. Trifolium uniflorum L.
  164. Tritonia gladiolaris (Lam.) Goldblatt & J.C.Manning
  165. Utricularia gibba L.
  166. Vaccaria hispanica (Mill.) Rauschert
  167. Veronica peregrina L.
  168. Viburnum tinus L.
  169. Ward’s weed
  170. angled pigface
  171. artichoke thistle
  172. avellinia
  173. awned clubsedge
  174. basket willow
  175. bedding lobelia
  176. black alder
  177. blackberry
  178. bluntleaf toadflax
  179. broom sedge
  180. celery buttercup
  181. chamomile
  182. chiffon lace
  183. club sedge
  184. clubmoss crassula
  185. common columbine
  186. common fumitory
  187. cornflower
  188. cow soapwort
  189. crabgrass
  190. creeping St John’s wort
  191. creeping bellflower
  192. creeping fog
  193. creeping willowherb
  194. creeping yellowcress
  195. crown vetch
  196. crowsfoot grass
  197. cutleaf nightshade
  198. downy peppercress
  199. elastic grass
  200. evening-primrose
  201. evergreen kangaroo paw
  202. field buttercup
  203. fingergrass
  204. floating bladderwort
  205. floating stonecrop
  206. forked catchfly
  207. fringed dodder
  208. golden chain tree
  209. golden upright willow
  210. golden weeping willow
  211. goosegrass
  212. goutweed
  213. grand collomia
  214. grass vetchling
  215. gromwell
  216. heartleaf iceplant
  217. holme willow
  218. honesty
  219. kause chaffweed
  220. keriberry
  221. kochia
  222. large annual buttercup
  223. laurustinus
  224. leafy goosefoot
  225. lesser spearwort
  226. lesser stitchwort
  227. meadow buttercup
  228. miner’s lettuce
  229. miniature pine tree
  230. mouse-ear hawkweed
  231. narrowleaf lupin
  232. narrowleaf trefoil
  233. one-row watercress
  234. oneflower clover
  235. orange sedge
  236. oval heronsbill
  237. oxygen weed
  238. pale pigeon-grass
  239. penny cress
  240. pheasant’s eye
  241. pill sedge
  242. pincushion hakea
  243. pink catchfly
  244. pinwheel
  245. plicate sweetgrass
  246. prickly lettuce
  247. prostrate pigweed
  248. purple osier
  249. purple-vein rocket
  250. red hot poker
  251. rice barnyardgrass
  252. rock rose
  253. rough corn bedstraw
  254. sainfoin
  255. scrambling groundsel
  256. sea radish
  257. silky bluegrass
  258. silvery hairgrass
  259. slender St John’s wort
  260. small hairgrass
  261. small-flowered nightshade
  262. smallhead rush
  263. snapdragon
  264. spearmint
  265. spiny pigweed
  266. squirting cucumber
  267. stalked waterstarwort
  268. star thistle
  269. stemless thistle
  270. strawberry tree
  271. striated catchfly
  272. sweet panic
  273. tortured willow
  274. tree lomatia
  275. tree medick
  276. upright spurge
  277. velvet sea barleygrass
  278. wall pellitory
  279. wandering speedwell
  280. wavyleaf sea-lavender
  281. white fumitory
  282. white henbane
  283. wild cabbage
  284. witchgrass
  285. wood smallreed
  286. woodland tobacco
  287. yellow bedstraw

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