Vascular Plants

A reference work with citation and author referred to by instances.
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Barkworth, M.E. & Jacobs, S.W.L. (16 February 2011), The Triticeae (Gramineae) in Australasia. Telopea 13(1-2) : 37-56 (Paper) Barkworth, M.E. & Jacobs, S.W.L. Author
Names in this reference:
  1. Agropyron kingianum (Endl.) Petrie
  2. Agropyron multiflorum (Banks & Sol. ex Hook.f.) Kirk ex Cheeseman
  3. Agropyron pectinatum (Labill.) P.Beauv.
  4. Agropyron retrofractum Vickery
  5. Agropyron scabrum (R.Br.) P.Beauv.
  6. Agropyron scabrum var. plurinerve Vickery
  7. Agropyron scabrum var. plurinervis Barkworth & S.W.L.Jacobs
  8. Agropyron sect. Australopyrum Tzvelev
  9. Agropyron velutinum Nees
  10. Anthosachne Steud.
  11. Anthosachne australasica Steud.
  12. Anthosachne australasica var. plurinervis (Vickery) C.Yen & J.L.Yang
  13. Anthosachne australasica var. plurinervisa C.Yen & J.L.Yang
  14. Anthosachne australasica var. scabra (R.Br.) C.Yen & J.L.Yang
  15. Anthosachne australasica var. typica C.Yen & J.L.Yang
  16. Anthosachne fertilis (S.Wang ex S.W.L.Jacobs & Barkworth) Barkworth & S.W.L.Jacobs
  17. Anthosachne multiflora (Banks & Sol. ex Hook.f.) C.Yen & J.L.Yang
  18. Anthosachne multiflora subsp. kingiana (Endl.) Barkworth & S.W.L.Jacobs
  19. Anthosachne multiflora (Banks & Sol. ex Hook.f.) C.Yen & J.L.Yang subsp. multiflora
  20. Anthosachne plurinervis (Vickery) Barkworth & S.W.L.Jacobs
  21. Anthosachne rectiseta (Nees) Barkworth & S.W.L.Jacobs
  22. Anthosachne scabra (R.Br.) Nevski
  23. Australopyrum (Tzvelev) Á.Löve
  24. Australopyrum pectinatum (Labill.) Á.Löve
  25. Australopyrum pectinatum subsp. retrofractum (Vickery) Á.Löve
  26. Australopyrum pectinatum var. retrofractum (Vickery) C.Yen & J.L.Yang
  27. Australopyrum pectinatum var. velutinum (Nees) C.Yen & J.L.Yang
  28. Australopyrum retrofractum (Vickery) Á.Löve
  29. Australopyrum retrofractum subsp. velutinum (Nees) Á.Löve
  30. Australopyrum velutinum (Nees) B.K.Simon
  31. Elymus australasicus (Steud.) Tzvelev
  32. Elymus fertilis S.Wang ex S.W.L.Jacobs & Barkworth
  33. Elymus kingianus (Endl.) Á.Löve
  34. Elymus multiflorus (Banks & Sol. ex Hook.f.) Á.Löve & Connor
  35. Elymus multiflorus subsp. kingianus (Endl.) de Lange & R.O.Gardner
  36. Elymus multiflorus var. kingianus (Endl.) Connor
  37. Elymus plurinervis (Vickery) Connor
  38. Elymus rectisetus (Nees) Á.Löve & Connor
  39. Elymus scaber (R.Br.) Á.Löve
  40. Elymus scaber var. plurinervis (Vickery) B.K.Simon
  41. Festuca billardierei Steud.
  42. Festuca billardieri Steud.
  43. Festuca browniana (Nees) Walp.
  44. Festuca kingiana (Endl.) Steud.
  45. Festuca pectinata Labill.
  46. Festuca rectiseta (Nees) Walp.
  47. Festuca scabra Labill.
  48. Roegneria scabra (R.Br.) J.L.Yang & C.Yen
  49. Triticum kingianum Endl.
  50. Triticum multiflorum Banks & Sol. ex Hook.f.
  51. Triticum scabrum R.Br.
  52. Vulpia brauniana Nees
  53. Vulpia rectiseta Nees
  54. Vulpia scabra (R.Br.) Nees

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