Vascular Plants

A reference work with citation and author referred to by instances.
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Smith, A.R., Pryer, K.M., Schuettpelz, E., Korall, P., Schneider, H. & Wolf, P.G. (August 2006), A classification for extant ferns. Taxon 55(3) : 705-731 (Paper) Smith, A.R., Pryer, K.M., Schuettpelz, E., Korall, P., Schneider, H. & Wolf, P.G. Author
Names in this reference:
  1. Acrostichaceae Mett. ex A.B.Frank
  2. Acrostichum L.
  3. Actinostachys Wall.
  4. Adiantaceae Newman
  5. Adiantum L.
  6. Ampelopteris Kunze
  7. Amphineuron Holttum
  8. Anemiaceae Link
  9. Antrophyum Kaulf.
  10. Arachniodes Blume
  11. Arthropteris J.Sm. ex Hook.f.
  12. Aspleniaceae Newman
  13. Asplenium L.
  14. Athyriaceae Alston
  15. Azolla Lam.
  16. Belvisia Mirb.
  17. Blechnaceae Newman
  18. Blechnum L.
  19. Bolbitis Schott
  20. Callipteris Bory
  21. Calochlaena (Maxon) M.D.Turner & R.A.White
  22. Calymmodon C.Presl
  23. Ceratopteris Brongn.
  24. Cheilanthes Sw.
  25. Chingia Holttum
  26. Christella H.Lev.
  27. Colysis C.Presl
  28. Coveniella Tindale
  29. Ctenopteris Blume ex Kunze
  30. Cyathea Sm.
  31. Cyatheaceae Kaulf.
  32. Cyatheales A.B.Frank
  33. Cyclosorus Link
  34. Cyrtomium C.Presl
  35. Cystopteris Bernh.
  36. Davallia Sm.
  37. Davalliaceae M.R.Schomb.
  38. Dennstaedtia Bernh.
  39. Dennstaedtiaceae Lotsy
  40. Deparia Hook. & Grev.
  41. Dicksonia L'Hér.
  42. Dicksoniaceae M.R.Schomb.
  43. Dicranopteris Bernh.
  44. Dictymia J.Sm.
  45. Diplazium Sw.
  46. Diplopterygium (Diels) Nakai
  47. Dipteridaceae Seward & E.Dale
  48. Dipteris Reinw.
  49. Doodia R.Br.
  50. Doryopteris J.Sm.
  51. Drynaria (Bory) J.Sm.
  52. Dryopteridaceae Herter
  53. Dryopteris Adans.
  54. Elaphoglossum Schott ex J.Sm.
  55. Equisetaceae Michx. ex DC.
  56. Equisetales DC. ex Bercht. & J.Presl
  57. Equisetopsida C.Agardh
  58. Gleichenia Sm.
  59. Gleicheniaceae C.Presl
  60. Gleicheniales Schimp.
  61. Goniophlebium (Blume) C.Presl
  62. Grammitidaceae Newman
  63. Grammitis Sw.
  64. Helminthostachyaceae Ching
  65. Histiopteris (J.Agardh) J.Sm.
  66. Humata Cav.
  67. Hymenophyllales A.B.Frank
  68. Hypolepis Bernh.
  69. Lastreopsis Ching
  70. Lecanopteris Reinw.
  71. Lemmaphyllum C.Presl
  72. Leptochilus Kaulf.
  73. Leptopteris C.Presl
  74. Lindsaeaceae C.Presl ex M.R.Schomb.
  75. Lindsaeales Doweld ex A.R.Sm.
  76. Lomariopsidaceae Alston
  77. Lomariopsis Fée
  78. Lonchitidales A.R.Sm.
  79. Lygodiaceae M.Roem.
  80. Lygodium Sw.
  81. Macrothelypteris (H.Ito) Ching
  82. Marattiaceae Kaulf.
  83. Marattiales Link
  84. Marattiopsida Doweld
  85. Marsilea L.
  86. Marsileaceae Mirb.
  87. Microlepia C.Presl
  88. Microsorum Link
  89. Monogramma Comm. ex Schkuhr
  90. Nephrolepis Schott
  91. Oleandra Cav.
  92. Oleandraceae Ching ex Pic.Serm.
  93. Ophioglossaceae Martinov
  94. Ophioglossales Link
  95. Osmundaceae Martinov
  96. Osmundales Link
  97. Paraceterach Copel.
  98. Parkeriaceae Hook.
  99. Pellaea Link
  100. Phlebodium (R.Br.) J.Sm.
  101. Pilularia L.
  102. Pityrogramma Link
  103. Platycerium Desv.
  104. Platyzoma R.Br.
  105. Platyzomataceae Nakai
  106. Plesioneuron Holttum
  107. Pleurosorus Fée
  108. Pneumatopteris Nakai
  109. Polypodiaceae J.Presl & C.Presl
  110. Polypodiales Link
  111. Polypodiopsida Cronquist, Takht. & W.Zimm.
  112. Polypodium L.
  113. Polystichum Roth
  114. Pronephrium C.Presl
  115. Prosaptia C.Presl
  116. Psilotaceae J.W.Griff. & Henfr.
  117. Psilotales Prantl
  118. Psilotopsida D.H.Scott
  119. Pteridaceae E.D.M.Kirchn.
  120. Pteridoblechnum Hennipman
  121. Pteridrys C.Chr. & Ching
  122. Pteris L.
  123. Pyrrosia Mirb.
  124. Revwattsia D.L.Jones
  125. Rumohra Raddi
  126. Saccolomattales Doweld ex A.R.Sm.
  127. Salvinia Ség.
  128. Salviniaceae Martinov
  129. Salviniales Link
  130. Schizaea Sm.
  131. Schizaeaceae Kaulf.
  132. Schizaeales Schimp.
  133. Scleroglossum Alderw.
  134. Sphaerostephanos J.Sm.
  135. Stenochlaena J.Sm.
  136. Stenochlaenaceae Ching
  137. Sticherus C.Presl
  138. Taenitis Willd. ex Schkuhr
  139. Tectaria Cav.
  140. Tectariaceae Panigrahi
  141. Teratophyllum Mett. ex Kuhn
  142. Thelypteridaceae Pic.Serm.
  143. Thelypteris Schmidel
  144. Todea Willd. ex Bernh.
  145. Vittaria Sm.
  146. Vittariaceae Ching
  147. Woodsiaceae Herter

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