Australian Bryophyte Name Index (ABNI)
The Australian Bryophyte Name Index (ABNI) is a tool for the botanical community that deals with bryophyte names and their usage in the scientific literature, whether as a current name or synonym. ABNI does not recommend any particular taxonomy or nomenclature. For a listing of currently accepted scientific names for the Australian bryophytes, please use the Catalogue of Australian Bryophytes (CAB) link above.
Orthotrichaceae Arn.
Zygodon minutus Müll.Hal. & Hampe
, legitimate , scientific
Hampe, G.E.L. (1856) , Plantae Muellerianae. Musci frondosi in Australasia felici lecti (continuatio). Linnaea: ein Journal für die Botanik in ihrem ganzen Umfange, oder Beiträge zur Pflanzenkunde 28 :
[comb. nov.]
Lewinsky, J. (1989) , Zygodon Hook. & Tayl. in Australasia: a taxonomic revision including SEM-studies of peristomes. Lindbergia 15 :
[secondary reference]
Dalton, P.J., R.D. Seppelt & A.M. Buchanan (1991) , An annotated checklist of Tasmanian mosses :
[secondary reference]
Stoneburner, A.; Wyatt, R.E.; Catcheside, D.G. & Stone, I.G. (1993) , Census of the mosses of Western Australia. The Bryologist 96 :
[secondary reference]
Matcham, H.W. & B.J. O'Shea (2005) , A review of the genus Codonoblepharon Schwägr. (Bryopsida). J. Bryol 27 :
basionym of:
Codonoblepharon minutum ( Müll.Hal. & Hampe) Matcham & O'Shea
Lewinsky-Haapasaari, J & Ramsay, H.P. in McCarthy, P.M. (ed.) (2006) , Zygodon. Flora of Australia 51 :
[secondary reference]
Klazenga, N. (2015) , AusMoss: Catalogue of Australian mosses, v. 2015-11-16 :
[secondary reference]
CAB Dist.:
WA, SA, Qld, Vic, Tas
W.A., S.A., Qld, Vic., Tas.
Goffinet & Vitt (1998: 150) suggested that this species is referrable to Codonoblepharon .